Carolina Tiger Rescue

1940 Hanks Chapel Road
Pittsboro, NC - 27312

Type: Zoo
(919) 542-4684
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Carolina Tiger Rescue, located in Pittsboro, North Carolina, is a sanctuary dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and conservation of wild cats. Founded in 1973, the nonprofit organization focuses on providing a safe and permanent home for abandoned, abused, and neglected exotic animals, particularly big cats such as tigers, lions, cougars, and leopards. The sanctuary also educates the public about the plight of these animals and the importance of wildlife conservation.

Visitors to Carolina Tiger Rescue can participate in guided tours that offer an up-close look at the sanctuary's residents and their habitats. The tours, led by knowledgeable guides, provide insights into the natural behaviors and histories of the animals, as well as the challenges they face in the wild and captivity. The sanctuary emphasizes the importance of not keeping wild animals as pets and the ethical considerations of wildlife conservation.

The sanctuary is home to a variety of big cats and other exotic species, each with its own unique story of rescue and recovery. In addition to tigers, lions, and cougars, visitors may see servals, ocelots, caracals, and other lesser-known species. The animals at Carolina Tiger Rescue live in spacious, naturalistic enclosures designed to meet their physical and psychological needs, allowing them to express natural behaviors in a safe environment.

Carolina Tiger Rescue is committed to raising awareness about wildlife conservation and the threats facing big cats in the wild, such as habitat loss, poaching, and the illegal pet trade. The organization offers educational programs, workshops, and outreach initiatives aimed at schools, community groups, and the general public. Through these efforts, the sanctuary hopes to inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation of these magnificent animals and the need to protect them.

The sanctuary relies on donations, memberships, and volunteer support to carry out its mission. Volunteers play a crucial role in the daily care of the animals, maintenance of the facilities, and assistance with educational and outreach programs. By visiting Carolina Tiger Rescue, supporting its initiatives, or volunteering, individuals can contribute to the well-being of rescued animals and the broader cause of wildlife conservation.

Open year-round, Carolina Tiger Rescue provides a unique and educational experience for visitors of all ages. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a conservation advocate, or simply looking for a meaningful outing, a visit to the sanctuary offers an opportunity to learn about and support the rescue and protection of exotic animals in need.

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