Disney Animal Kingdom Facts
Published: 11/29/2015

While most Disney trips are focused on the magical worlds of fantasy, or future the Animal Kingdom is all about the animals. Bringing the exotic lands of African Savannas and much more right to Orlando Florida. While animals breed here in natural environments, many endangered species have made a home in the Animal Kingdom; it is the park keepers and Disney that have ensured the safety and health of these animals. Making it a premier spot for a family adventure, but what's going on at the park that maybe you didn't know?
White Rhino's and More
Acting as sanctuary to eight White Rhino's, on the endangered species list the White Rhino is one of most dwindling. There are approximately 11,000 accounted for in the whole world. When the even more endangered Black Rhino came to Disney's Animal Kingdom, the Rhino family could be called complete.
Incomplete Expansions on the Park
While it's rumored that there are plans for additional extensions in the Disney Animal Kingdom Park, there is proof all over the park that certain expansion plans were scrapped. Such as a dragon or fantasy themed section. Keep your eyes peeled for dragons over signs and directories! Allegedly there's plans for this unused portion of the park to be a tribute to the world of Avatar.
Worldly Plants and Animals
Although the park hosts about 250 different species of animals which is pretty well known and kind of expected of this type of theme park what is not so well known is that there is over four million different species of plantation. Plant life from every type of environment and every continent excluding Antarctica.
Tree of Life
Imagineers got creative re-purposing an oil rig to make the Tree of Life withstand the forces of Florida's hurricanes; they also worked ceaselessly to design over three hundred animal carvings. With a force of ten artists that brought this image to reality the Tree of Life is monumental in every aspect.
A Magical Savannah
The Kilimanjaro Safari having a trail that was designed to emulate the bumpy experience that you would have on a real safari adventure. That's not the only thing that's making the difference in your experience though. There's no dwarfing the great Savanna, the Kilimanjaro Safari is larger than the entire Magic Kingdom by three acres.
What's Missing?
You may see every animal from the opening scene of the Lion King with the exception of an African Savanna icon: zebras! All of the Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park is a completely zebra free zone. Zebra's are mostly known for their stripes but because of the little known fact that zebras are highly aggressive and prone to attack that they aren't part of the Disney Animal Kingdom.
A Real Mountain!
While Expedition Everest isn't actually a real mountain the specifications to which it was constructed to be 199.5 feet by height which falls barely short of being required to have a beacon. By the Federal Aviation Guidelines, these beacons are to ensure the safety of planes flying overhead.
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