Fun Places for Kids in New York City

It's Not Just for Adults
When adults vacation in New York its usually about plays, parks, the typical tourist sites and sometimes shopping. The downside is that when you throw a small child into the mix, all of these things become incredibly stressful and lose their fun side. Even if you do make it to a play a screaming baby will ruin it for everyone. Then imagine keeping a two year old calm and entertained on a long tour of New York's best sites. The great part is there are lots of fun things to do that you'd never think of in New York before you were bringing kids with you.Bronx Zoo
Being one of the world's biggest Zoo's you and the little ones will be entertained all day. The Baboon reserve is always a blast, and Jungle world with surround your kids with wondrous and playful creatures. What's an absolute must see is the Madagascar exhibit, after watching the movie of course, your kids will love to watch the lemur's leap, jump and swing.
America's Museum of Natural History
This is one that kids won't get bored of. With little ones stay away from the tours and wander through yourself. Let them take the lead and point out giant dinosaur skeletons and the rise of Mammals. Between whales, elephants and dinosaurs something will keep your kids interest!
Coney Island
Built for kids, still totally for kids. The park has been well kept, close to the beach and has a water area to play in as well. It's still fairly small so it's definitely easy too keep your child close and have a good time too. Ride classic, and iconic rides like 'cyclone'.Children's Museum of Manhattan
Literally a museum made for kids. With lessons about the NYPD, an Art Lab, and fun ways to learn about every subject no kid will go without finding something they love. This entire museum is interactive which means you won't have to worry about little one's touching or poking things they really shouldn't. There's a lot to do and many restaurants nearby so this may be one of those all day adventures. That's if you can get your child to leave!Make Meaning
Imagine a giant craft store, where you craft with your kid for as long as you want. Anything you can think of and on top of it, you're not stuck with a destroyed kitchen to put back together after! Packages start out really cheap at twenty dollars a person and you leave with your craft! Imagine a fun couple of hours, and a souvenir that isn't just a Statue of Liberty fridge magnet. Photo: Children's Museum of Manhattan. (Photo by Sarah Ackerman)Comments
There is 1 comment made on this article.
John Drake 05/22/2016My kids always loves the zoos. Bronx zoo is their favorite. Childrens Musem in Manhattan is the other place where they like to spend hours.
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