Museums in Burns, OR
There is 1 museum found in Burns, OR. This is about half of all the tourist attractions listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Burns attractions on this page to choose from.
Burns Map with Museums
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List of Burns Museums
There is only one museum listed in Burns. Click on the museum name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Other Museums
The following museums are found outside Burns. They are sorted from nearest to farthest distance from Burns.
57.4 Miles101 South Canyon Boulevard, Canyon City, OR - 97820
90.4 Miles245 Mill Street, Sumpter, OR - 97877
90.4 Miles441 Mill Street, Sumpter, OR - 97877
101.4 Miles64696 Fort Rock Road, Fort Rock, OR - 97735
101.6 Miles246 North Main Street, Prineville, OR - 97754
105.1 Miles117 Good Avenue, Nyssa, OR - 97913
107.2 Miles610 3Rd, Haines, OR - 97833
108.4 Miles676 Southwest 5th Avenue, Ontario, OR - 97914
111.2 Miles90 South 9th Street, Payette, ID - 83661
113.6 Miles2295 Paddock Avenue, Weiser, ID - 83672
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The following article will provide you with interesting information, useful tips and insights about museums in Burns.
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- All Attractions (2)
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